PRC-2091 HF Tactical mobile package

The Barrett PRC-2091 HF Tactical Mobile Package upgrades the PRC-2090 by providing a convenient rapid docking system and transmitter power amplification to 125 W PEP. With options for either 12 VDC or 24 VDC power supply and the flexibility of dismounted use of the PRC-2090 transceiver when not in the vehicle (additional accessories may be required), the PRC-2091 HF Tactical Mobile Package can be installed in a wide range of vehicle types with antenna options to suit.

The standard package comprises:-

PRC-2090 HF Tactical transceiver
Advanced tactical handset
Vehicle docking station

Rugged external mount speaker
Vibration mounting platform
Tactical Installation Kit

[ultimate_modal modal_title=”General specifications” modal_on=”text” modal_on_align=”left” read_text=”>> View Specifications” modal_size=”medium” modal_style=”overlay-fade” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ txt_color=”#616333″ header_font=”font_family:Open Sans|font_call:Open+Sans|variant:regular” header_font_style=”font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;” trigger_text_font=”font_family:Open Sans|font_call:Open+Sans|variant:700″ trigger_text_font_style=”font-weight:700;” content_font=”font_family:Open Sans|font_call:Open+Sans|variant:regular” content_font_style=”font-weight:normal;font-style:normal;”]print-pdf

Frequency range 1.6 MHz to 30 MHz Tx, 250 kHz to 30 MHz Rx*
Channel capacity Up to 500 programmable channels
Operating modes J3E (USB, LSB) – H2B (AM) – J2A (CW) – J2B (AFSK)
Frequency stability ±0.5 ppm (±0.3 ppm optional)
Sensitivity -120 dBm (0.224 μV) for 10 dB SINAD – J3E Mode pre-amp on
Frequency hopping 5 or 25 hops per second
RF connections Whip or long wire using internal automatic antenna tuner or 50 ohms connector
RF output power 30 W PEP, 10 W PEP (125 W PEP) when in vehicle or base docking station (voice duty cycle only)
Operating temperature -30°C to +70°C humidity 95% relative, non condensing
Programming RS-232
Weight 2090 transceiver with 10 Ah Lithium Ion battery cartridge 5.22 kg
Standards Meets AS/NZS4770:2000, CE, MIL-STD 810G for immersion, shock, vibration, dust and spray

*reduced sensitivity 250 kHz to 500 kHz
Specifications are typical. Equipment descriptions and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.[/ultimate_modal]

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The new software defined core provides a much improved memory capacity and extends the life cycle and upgradability of the PRC-2090. The software based architecture enables the user to maintain their radio transceiver equipment with the latest transceiver software releases taking advantage of the latest product enhancements and features as they become available.

Using the latest lightweight alloys the PRC-2090 weighs 3.9 kg (5.2 kg with 10 Ah, quick change, Lithium Ion battery cartridge). Its small physical size, one of the smallest on the market makes it comfortable to wear and operate when deployed as a tactical manpack.

The PRC-2090 transceiver is fully interoperable with a number of advanced digital selective calling systems commonly used by many peacekeeping, non-government and tactical organisations.
The PRC-2090 tactical transceiver provides for multi-standard four and six digit Selective Call features including, telephone interconnect, SMS text, GPS tracking, status calling, point to point and/or multipoint Secure Call and remote transceiver disable capabilities.

The PRC-2090 is available with full MIL-STD-188-141B 2G ALE (JITC certified) and FED-STD 1045 ALE. When selected, the Barrett PRC-2090 offers full interoperability with all other military and commercial equipment complying with this standard plus enhanced telephone interconnectivity.
Tactical Field Data Terminal (FDT) option provides the PRC-2090 with the very latest 3G ALE STANAG 4538 with advanced capabilities for voice, messaging, GPS tracking and radio status for simple and reliable communication.

The display, complete with a fully featured advanced tactical handset remotes from the transceiver unit. This enables the operator to wear the display unit on their front webbing and have full operational access to the manpack without dismounting the manpack transceiver unit itself. For tactical base and mobile applications, the optional extended control interface allows the transceiver unit to be located at a convenient position away from the operator. This is ideal for command post operations or vehicle mounting where space is limited.

The new Digital Signal Processor (DSP) provides clear intelligible voice communications on analogue circuits through the digital removal of background noise and interference. The standard DSP noise reduction system provides outstanding voice quality by reducing radio frequency interference (RFI), and the effects of electrical interference by enhancing audio signals to provide easier listening.

Barrett digital voice options provide the highest level of digital quality clear speech between similarly equipped transceiver equipment regardless of the prevailing HF conditions.

The PRC-2090 can be fitted with a variety of scrambling and digital encryption options for voice and data security.

Options include Barrett’s unique Secure Call feature, an innovative narrow band voice scrambler providing secure Selcall initiated point to point or point to multipoint communications on both open or pre-encrypted voice channels, regardless of the base level network encryption employed enabling secure point to point or multipoint communication within a secure network.

Secure voice and data operation is further assured with a variety of internal and external encryption options for both voice and data communications, from 128 bit keyed FTT voice scramblers to DES 56 and export controlled AES 256 digital encryption standards, all interoperable with Barrett’s patented frequency hopping providing instant access with no late entry synchronisation delay. Additionally, the PRC-2090’s front panel connectors provide an interface for external OEM voice crypto devices enabling operators to maintain interoperability between multi-vendor sourced security solutions.

The unique, easy to use frequency hopping option (subject to export controls) requires no central synchronisation station, has no entry or late entry time delay and requires no handshaking.

Hopping rates of 5 or 25 hops per second, using a 10 digit hopping encryption key, and with a user selectable hopping bandwidth to suit a variety of antenna types. The system provides excellent protection against electronic warfare (EW) attacks and can be operated for extended periods in theatre without synchronisation.

Barrett’s GPS interface supports connection into any NMEA0183 external GPS receiver antenna for tracking applications. This interface provides emergency call features and position information on all deployed equivalently equipped HF assets.

The PRC-2090 can be fitted with either the field proven Clover 2500 or STANAG 5066 internal data modems supporting high speed secure data and email transmission, with effective data rates in excess of 14,400 bps.

Clover data modems are supplied with our advanced email and file transfer solution, which has been designed for HF operation. With full ALE control, voice call and typed text GUI proving short text messaging functions and on air live chat.

Military standard data modem solutions are provided with Barrett’s RC50 STANAG 5066 based communications suite providing for full ALE based automatic secure mail delivery. All data modems are available as internal or external fit according to deployment requirements.

Barrett’s well known intuitive operator interface ensures the PRC-2090 is very simple to operate. Principal key functions are performed using a large six key cluster on the advanced tactical handset.

The operator is guided by a large 128 x 64 LCD graphics display with adjustable backlighting ensuring the maintenance of night vision or high levels of luminescence in poor visibility. Network station addresses and telephone numbers are stored in easily accessible address and phone books and as little as two key strokes will initiate a call.

Whips and un-tuned wire antennas are simply deployed using the inbuilt, fully automatic antenna tuner. For temporary fixed station operations various lightweight broadband and tunable tactical antennas are available.

The low current consumption of the PRC-2090 transceiver enables it to operate in excess of 20 hours on one battery cartridge (assumes 90/10 RX/TX duty cycle).

Spare quick change battery cartridges are small and lightweight and include an inbuilt charge management circuit allowing the cartridges to be charged whilst fitted and in operation or separately from any available DC source, including solar, hand crank or wind generator.

The Barrett PRC-2090 RDS’s unique design enables the PRC-2090 transceiver to be cassette loaded into the docking station for convenient base and mobile operation.

Preconfigured to accept a wide range of AC and DC voltages, antenna systems and ancillary equipment, the transceiver automatically increases transmitter power to 125 W PEP and makes the appropriate base or mobile antenna selection automatically.

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