With the introduction of the PRC 4090, Barrett Communications has created a military-grade high-frequency (HF) radio transceiver that’s lighter than any other option on the market today.

June 30, 2020


Frequency hopping is a method by which radio signals “hop” around a frequency in a pattern creating transmissions that are impossible to decipher from the outside.

May 19, 2020


Some people seem to be operating under the misguided impression that high-frequency (HF) radio is nearing obsolescence,

May 13, 2020


Radio communication can be accomplished across varying frequency ranges, but the working principles are different depending on whether you are using high-frequency (HF) or very high-frequency (VHF).

April 8, 2020


Some thought that mobile technology and satellite communications might spell a slow demise for High Frequency (HF) radio.

April 6, 2020